Amber and Jaime just got back from the Houston International Quilt Market, where we got to preview and order new fabric collections, sewing patterns and more! We were able to meet lots of the designers which was super exciting. There was so much awesome-ness we are posting it in parts. Here are some of our highlights:

Amy Butler was there, she has two new sewing patterns - an apron and a halter top - coming out soon as well as a new fabric collection coming out in December. She was super-friendly and tall! Doesn't she look like a glowing angel taking us to a heaven filled with Amy Butler everything?

Anna Maria Horner has so many great new things going on! We are so excited about her sewing patterns - an adorable paneled skirt, a lovely dress and two super cute bags - which should all be here in late November. She also has an awesome new book out which we will be getting in any day. We can't wait to start sewing all the cute projects. Most exciting is her new fabric collection,
Good Folks, that will be out in the spring. For a sneak peek, check out the swatches framed up behind us in the photo of us above. Whats better than a new Anna Maria Horner fabric collection? Anna Maria Horner oilcloth! That's right. Stay tuned.

Jaime's favorite booth at Quilt market was Seven Islands, who distribute most of our Japanese fabrics. We don't have any pictures because while we were there we couldn't think about anything except the super cute fabrics, but check out the amazing Echino fabrics that are coming out soon. Check out the zebras and deers walking though a field of awesome-ness and the tigers and owls relaxing on giant flowers. We also ordered two Echino bag sewing patterns that are super cute. We can't wait to get our Japanese fabric with cats and pretzels, dutch horses, and friendly pandas and kits to make cookies out of felt. Seriously, we spent about 3 hours in this booth. We could have moved in and worn their little slippers made from fabric featuring pigs with spider webs on their butts and their tunics with birds and dew drops. What else could you want?