We had a super fun time at the Estes Park Wool Festival this weekend, drooling over lovely yarns and rovings and petting super cute animals. We fell deeply in love with a baby angora rabbit, which we named Apricot and nearly, just nearly, brought home with us. What do you think of a fluffy Fancy Tiger store mascot to pet and hug while you shop? Oh, Apricot, you little fawn furrball, why didn't we take you home with us?!

We met sweet angora goats whose eyes disappeared under all their shining mohair locks.

And our dear friends, Peg and Woody from Pinon Wood Ranch, let us cuddle their baby Shetland sheep, Hershey Kiss.

We brought home tons of goodies, including naturally dyed rovings from
Handspun by Stefania, some amazing lace weight yarn from
Skaska, a beautiful walnut drop spindle from
Magpie Woodworks, and pretty, pretty mohair locks from
Kai Ranch. Yummy!