Hey guys! I just finished my DayBreak and I love it! When the pattern by Stephen West came in I fell smitten instantly and when the Zauberball from Schoppel Wolle came in I fell even harder for a color of variegated naturals, browns, creams and grays. So, sold on the color, I did a little research and Babel-fished the word Zauberball. The word means "charm ball" in German and what else could I do but run a little magic into the daybreak with this in mind. I used Malabrigo sock yarn for the stripes and chose "Light of Love" because I usually look pretty good in pinks and reds. I am casting a little spell that when I wear it the handsome-man-of-my-dreams will fall smitten, first for my daybreak and second for me! HA!
To top it off Amber and I ran down to our favorite ice cream shop for the photo shoot; Sweet Action, and I got a scoop of Hibiscus, my favorite flavor and an extremely potent aphrodisiac! Between the ice cream, the magic and the week it took me to make it, this knitter is bound to get a little sweet action of his own this spring.

I did things a little bit differently than the way the pattern called for because I wanted it to have purl ridges on every other stripe of color just to make it a little bit more textural. So on the last purl row of the stripe patterning I did a knit row instead. This pattern is super simple and fun and I hope that you guys give it a whirl. All that you need to know is knitting, purling, M1R, M1L, and slipping stitched.

We're so in love with this pattern we've decided to have Fancy Tiger's first ever knit-along! A knit-along is where we all make the same pattern, but of course, because of different colors and yarn choices, everyone's will be unique. Here's the scoop: you purchase your yarn and pattern here at Fancy Tiger Crafts (you can also buy the pattern directly from the designer Stephen West on
Ravelry) and make your daybreak. You have until 5/1/2010 to bring in your finished daybreak for a photo and we will give you a $10 gift certificate! If you need help knitting your daybreak, you can always stop by craft night and myself or one of the ladies can help you out. We can hardly wait to see your Daybreaks!