Friday, March 27, 2009

Craftastic Weekend Project: Fabric Scrap Gift Wrap

Try out this adorable and earth friendly gift wrap next time you have a gift to give. You can recycle scraps from past sewing projects and your friend can re-use the wrapping for a tea towel or a new pocket on their favorite skirt.

You will need a scrap big enough to wrap around your gift. Rather than cut your fabric to size, snip the fabric on grain where you want the cut to be and then rip the fabric. This will keep your line straight and keep the edge from fraying too much. You will also need a ribbon long enough to tie around your gift.

Fold in the the fabric on both of the short sides of your gift. Fold in the other two sides. Tie the ribbon around. Your friend will love it!

1 comment:

  1. jenny7:38 PM

    I love Crafty Fridays! I cant wait to see what other projects that you fancy ladies come up with
