Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Better Know A Crafter: Sophia


1) Tell us about the project you've made. What p
attern and materials did you use?
Tiny Turtle by Raynor Gellatly. I used embroidery floss and size 000 knitting needles.

2) Tell us something about the person who taught you to knit.
My next door neighbor taught me to knit when I was 7. Unfortunately, I was not amused and completely forgot until my mom bought a knitting book to teach herself. I taught myself and my mom still has yet to learn.

3) What is your favorite animal?
Cats, kangaroos and squirrels.

Sophia is one of our craft night regulars. That's a super cute turtle, Sophia!


  1. I love handmade, your blog is very lovely!

  2. Nikki Kelly10:42 AM

    that's not a hoodie!

  3. oooooh, the wittle turtle is soooooo cute!

    I wish you gals had a Boulder store.... my unemployed ass would be there all.the.time!
